About Me

My Philosophy:
1. Food is Fuel. Think of your body as a car. You wouldn't want to fill up your car with a bunch of sludge that calls itself "gas" (aka, refined sugars, white flour, processed junk..you know) so you shouldn't be filling your body with that either. You wouldn't fill your car up even though you already have a full tank, so don't eat even though you're full. You also wouldn't try to run your car without any gas in it, so if you're hungry, EAT!!! It's yummy!
2. Eat close to the source. I don't mean you have to eat an apple sitting under an apple tree. I mean the less processed, the better. So if you have the choice between an apple and an apple flavored thing-a-majig, go for the apple! Your body will thank you! Maybe even do a little song and dance...if you're lucky.
3. Please, for the love of God, don't starve yourself! It may seem like the best idea. like the only thing that works, but it's not. If you listen to your body and really get in tune with what it's telling you, there's no need to even count calories, although I still like to keep track just for some data to look back on. If you deprive yourself, several things happen. a). your metabolism slows wayy down to account for the drop in energy consumed so your cells learn to operate with less, therefore you burn less. b) you sooner or later face the inevitable binge, which is 99% of the time followed by intense feelings of guilt and sadness. c) life just kinda sucks in general. So don't do it! Trust me, I'm telling you this from personal experience.
4. Refined sugar=Satan. Yes. It does. I could get into how it spikes insulin levels; it releases glucose into your bloodstream and all the glucose that's not used gets stored as fat; cancer/tumor cells live off of sugar  and blah di blah, but you've probably heard it before. Natural sugar is good in moderation but the white crystal stuff? Notice how it looks like drugs? That's because it practically is a drug.
5. Go easy on yourself. So maybe you screwed up and ate a brownie or a cookie or even a half gallon of Ben & Jerry's, there's no need to beat yourself up about it. It's part of being human! And anyways, perfect is boring! How often do you ever hear about "perfect" people in history?? Not often! People make mistakes, they make mistakes all the time, but worrying about them doesn't fix them! It just gets your panties in a whad and that is NOT comfortable!! :)
6. Your body is your temple. You will live in it for the rest of your life, so build it out of the best materials you can find!
7. Breathe. Stress releases cortisol which makes you gain weight to take some time everyday for yourself and just relax.

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