Saturday, March 3, 2012

Vegan Tofu Scramble

photo by K Fizz

This is a rather magical dish. It looks like eggs, it tastes like eggs, it's good for breakfast, it's good for lunch, and perfect for dinner as well. The turmeric gives it that yellow eeg-y cheesy kind of look and the silken firm tofu makes it "scrable" like real eggs. Add some veg and BINGO!! You've got yourself a low carb, vegan, protein-y, delicious, vitamin filled meal. Perfecto. I had this for breakfast this morning and mmmm it made the whole house smell de-lic-ious. And yes, "delicious" really does need to be broken apart like that to emphasize how de-lic-ious it really is. Enough with the raving, here's the recipe:
Vegan Tofu Scramble: 1 serving
- 4 oz silken firm tofu, (I used Mori-Nu Organic)
- 1/4 tsp of Turmeric
- 1.5 tsp chopped garlic
- about 1/2 tsp onion powder or a bit of fresh, chopped onion
- whatever veg you like! I used about 1/3 of a red bell pepper and maybe 1 cup of spinach

Chop up the tofu (not too small because it crumbles a bit when you're stirring it while it's cooking). Add seasonings and to the tofu and add a bit of oil/water to the pan. Saute/scramble on medium heat for about 30-45 seconds and then add your veg. Keep on scramblin' till the veggies aren't crisp anymore. Admire your creation and quickly devour it before the smell draws in any potential thieves. I recommend enjoying this with some fresh fruit, or whole grain toast, or even with some quinoa or couscous! 
Nutrition: (entire thing not including vegetables)
-102 calories
-5g fat
-5g carbs
-0g sugar
-0g fiber
8g protein

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